Grammar-based fuzzing is not new, nor is my grammar-based fuzzer; however, this is my fifth, best, and favorite rewrite of it. My grammar fuzzer started with the original version in ruby, and then over the years was rewritten once more in ruby and twice in Python. This version is the third Python rewrite.
Readers and friends, meet gramfuzz (, docs), my fifth-generation grammar-based fuzzer.
gramfuzz can be downloaded from github, or can be installed via pip:
pip install gramfuzz
gramfuzz doesn’t rely on a separate language or grammars defined in *BNF (although they will be importable in the future). Instead, grammars are defined directly in Python. Take, for example, the grammar below that describes roman numerals:
<roman> ::= <hundreds> <tens> <units> <hundreds> ::= <low hundreds> | CD | D <low hundreds> | CM <low hundreds> ::= e | <low hundreds> C <tens> ::= <low tens> | XL | L <low tens> | XC <low tens> ::= e | <low tens> X <units> ::= <low units> | IV | V <low units> | IX <low units> ::= e | <low units> I
The BNF grammar above can be implemented in Python with gramfuzz like so:
class RDef(Def): cat="roman-numeral-def" class RRef(Ref): cat="roman-numeral-def" # top-level rule Def("roman-numeral", RRef("hundreds"), RRef("tens"), RRef("units"), cat="roman-numeral") # helper rules RDef("hundreds", RRef("low-hundreds") | "CD" | And("D", RRef("low-hundreds")) | "CM" ) RDef("low-hundreds", And(RRef("low-hundreds"), "C") | "" ) RDef("tens", RRef("low-tens") | "XL" | And("L", RRef("low-tens")) | "XC" ) RDef("low-tens", And(RRef("low-tens"), "X") | "" ) RDef("units", RRef("low-units") | "IV" | And("V", RRef("low-units") | "IX") ) RDef("low-units", And(RRef("low-units"), "I") | "" )
To use a defined grammar, one must create a GramFuzzer instance, load the desired grammar(s), and then tell the GramFuzzer object how many random rules to generate and from which category the rules should randomly be chosen:
import gramfuzz fuzzer = gramfuzz.GramFuzzer() fuzzer.load_grammar("") for roman_numeral in fuzzer.gen(cat="roman-numeral", num=10): print(roman_numeral)
Which would yield output like this:
Benefits of Defining Grammars in Python
Having the grammar defined in Python allows one to do things that typically wouldn’t be doable in a normal (E)BNF grammar, unless near-scripting abilities were added into the grammar language itself; however, at that point I think I would rather use Python directly.
As an example of where having the grammar defined in Python is useful, I implemented the python 2.7 ~EBNF grammar in gramfuzz.
The “suite” rule in the Python 2.7 grammar is the rule that defines a new block of code (and thus a new indentation level). Notice how two special rules are defined to track the indentation level of the code (the “INDENT” and “DEDENT” rules):
suite: simple_stmt | NEWLINE INDENT stmt+ DEDENT
Below is the implementation of the “suite” rule in gramfuzz. Notice how the INDENT/DEDENT logic are defined in new gramfuzz.Field subclasses that can be used by other rules:
INDENT_LEVEL = 0 class INDENT(Field): def build(self, pre=None, shortest=False): global INDENT_LEVEL INDENT_LEVEL += 1 # indent one extra time return " " class DEDENT(Field): def build(self, pre=None, shortest=False): global INDENT_LEVEL INDENT_LEVEL -= 1 return NEWLINE().build(pre, shortest=shortest) class NEWLINE(Field): def build(self, pre=None, shortest=False): return "\n" + (" " * INDENT_LEVEL) PyDef("suite", Or( PyRef("simple_stmt"), And( NEWLINE, INDENT, PLUS(PyRef("stmt")), DEDENT ) ))
Running the example script found in the source code:
python -g python27 -n 1 -s 13337 --max-recursion 7
Yields the randomly-generated python code below:
print >> ( ) if -56 else ( ) ; continue; global NkwRAqm, tOULPPwSf, kkWiy, Gvk, KBcgMqrk, QOb, Kibpj, vkDYRM; exec "V" | edwpvwkC | ( ) | { } | [ ] | [ ] | "BAnfxFleGs" in nnvYJhOE if ( ) else [ ] ; print >> [ ] ; global tXUwFWr, tIDHIA; break from .......... import JmjgP def TgdQjLJ(cuDiSCoYd="tDe" , DNhf=( ) , NhtErVF, BNZUubHZ=0 , MDitNMRp=30 , ItUdL=jKx , oiJaAxm, QpMrAWoSk={ } , *IFjKBQ): pass try:pass except :pass pass pass if lambda : nMgyB :pass; else: def hko():pass pass pass def cdq():pass class UJobDb:pass try:pass finally:pass
You may notice that the code generated isn’t exactly valid Python. In fact, running it yields the following error:
File "/tmp/", line 3 def TgdQjLJ(cuDiSCoYd="tDe" , DNhf=( ) , NhtErVF, BNZUubHZ=0 , MDitNMRp=30 , ItUdL=jKx , oiJaAxm, QpMrAWoSk={ } , *IFjKBQ): SyntaxError: non-default argument follows default argument
The error above occurs due to the fact that additional post-processing occurs after Python lexes the generated code into tokens. The post-processing that Python’s parser performs enforces rules that are not expressed in its grammar (such as requiring all non-default arguments to come before default arguments). For those interested, this is the function in the CPython source that raises the SyntaxError above while creating an AST node for an arguments list.
Keep in mind that not all grammars that are used for parsing can be directly used to generate valid data, since additional rules may be contained in that data format’s parser that aren’t expressed in its grammar.
Happy fuzzing!
-James Johnson (@d0c_s4vage)